Friday, July 29, 2011

Symfony 2 już dostępne

Symfony 2 nareszcie dostępne, juz mam kilka projektów na DEV, wygląda naprawdę super, developerzy wykonali naprawdę kawał dobrej roboty.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

rsync with --itemize-changes flag

My yesterday rsync battle notes:
rsync --checksum --verbose  --recursive --delete --itemize-changes --times SOURCE_HOST DESTINATION_HOST 

+- incoming / outgoing / change 
|+- type : f for a file, a d for a
||         directory, an L for a symlink, 
||         a D for a device, and a S  for  a
||         special file (e.g. named sockets and fifos
  ||||||||+- x - extended attributes
  |||||||+- a - ACL info changed
  ||||||+- u - reserved for future
  |||||+- g - group
  ||||+- o - owner
  |||+- p - permissions
  ||+- t - modification time 
  |+- s - size
  +- c - checksum

Additional information:
. - no change
* - e.g. *deleting
c - local change/creation e.g. creating dir symlink
< - file transfer to remote
> - file transfer to local host (received)